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Newborn baby refuses to eat, days later family discovers the horrifying truth

A Baby’s Brush with Danger Sparks a Campaign for Safer Homes

The arrival of a new baby is one of life’s greatest blessings. To make the most of this joyous time, parents strive to prepare everything well in advance, so that when their little one finally arrives, they can focus their time on providing care and attention.

A Long-Awaited Arrival and Unexpected Turmoil

This was the case for Bathany Taylor and her husband Kendall. The couple had been eagerly anticipating the birth of their daughter. When the big day finally arrived, their joy was boundless. Baby Jane was born perfectly healthy and, after a short hospital stay, the family was discharged and ready to start their new life together at home.

However, things soon took a turn. At home, baby Jane refused to nurse, prompting her concerned parents to rush her to the emergency room. Despite their fears, the doctors found nothing out of the ordinary and sent them back home.

A Mysterious Illness Unveiled

On arriving home, the family members all began to experience severe headaches. It was then that the possibility of gas poisoning crossed their minds. They headed back to the hospital, where their worst fears were confirmed: Baby Jane was suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. The culprit was a leaking gas heater in their apartment.

“I couldn’t believe this was happening to my new, brand new little baby and I was so worried about what was going to happen with her,” a distressed Bathany told Faith Tap.

Immediate Action and a Happy Outcome

With no time to spare, baby Jane and her mother were placed in a hyperbaric chamber for treatment. Dr James Stewart reported, “She was just like a baby again. She cried, she responded to her mom. She was very hungry when she came out of the chamber.”

Sparking a Legislative Change for Safer Living Spaces

In the aftermath of their ordeal, Bathany and Kendall have called for a change in the law concerning carbon monoxide detectors. They are campaigning for it to be mandatory for every landlord to install a detector in their properties, to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

Thankfully, this family acted quickly and managed to avoid any long-term consequences. Their story serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of carbon monoxide detectors in homes. Please SHARE this story with your family and friends, and help spread awareness about this potentially life-saving device.


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